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Open Call for Expressions of Interest in Board of Directors Membership

The National Youth Orchestra of Ireland (NYOI) is calling for expressions of interest to join our board of directors. Several directors have completed their terms and stepped down in October 2022, and this is an exciting opportunity to diversify our governing body and to ensure that the board has the skills it requires to successfully guide this ambitious and growing charity.
NYOI aims to be a cultural beacon, acting as the pinnacle of orchestral experience for both members and the wider community.
Our mission is to inspire young Irish musicians through the study of challenging and exciting repertoire under the guidance of music professionals, encouraging performance of the highest standard on national and international platforms. If this resonates with you, and you have the skills to contribute to the governance of the organisation as we create our Strategic Plan, please get in touch.

We are seeking directors with skills and experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Finance, financial control and governance. The organisation, supported by the HEA and the Arts Council, relies on a significant amount of fundraised income. As a recipient of public funding, NYOI must adhere to stringent financial and governance guidelines.
  • A young person, preferably aged 18-22, who has experience of being a member of a youth orchestra and who can advocate on behalf of the demographic we serve.

We are actively seeking new perspectives so that our board better reflects the richness and diversity of Irish society. We are also cognisant of gender balance on our board: four of the seven sitting board members are men, so we especially welcome applications from women and non-binary people. We particularly welcome applications from candidates who come from backgrounds and communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the music sector.

Board appointments will be based on skills and experience, and should the open call process not yield candidates with the required skills and experience, the organisation reserves the right to make direct appointments of appropriately qualified individuals. Current board members can also nominate a candidate for election.

Functions of the board & duties of directors

The National Youth Orchestra of Ireland is a charity (CHY number: CHY6501) and a company limited by guarantee (Company number: 97049). It is governed by a voluntary board of Directors. Our directors receive no payment, other than reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, and serve a maximum of two three-year terms, with the option for the chair to extend by a further year. Directors of the board are both company directors and charity trustees, and should understand the legal duties of the role, as explained by the Charities Regulator and the Arts Council’s Practical Guide for Board Members of Arts Organisations. Directors are responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation and for ensuring the highest standards of governance are upheld, in accordance with the Charities Governance Code.
Directors are responsible for the financial sustainability of the organisation and should support the fundraising function of the organisation – this may be through joining a subcommittee, making introductions, championing the organisation’s work to relevant contacts or by recruiting new donors.

The Board of Directors is responsible for

  • The appointment of personnel to the organisation
  • Setting strategies and ensuring their implementation is delegated effectively
  • Overseeing and maintaining the financial health of the organisation
  • Ensuring the highest standards of governance and transparency

Time commitment

Approximately 6 board meetings per annum (2/2.5 hours duration) with time required for preparatory reading, and additional time commitments depending on membership of sub-committees. The board will engage in a full- or half-day strategy or training session approximately three times in 2023. Board members may be asked to represent the Board at certain events, depending on their availability and interests.

Current Board Composition

Our current Board of Directors can be viewed here.

Applications and enquiries

All correspondence can be sent by email to the chair of the board, Thomas Boland (via Carol-Ann Trela, General Manager), at no later than 4pm on Friday 24th February 2023.
Your expression of interest should include a short cover email which clearly specifies why you are interested in joining the board of The National Youth Orchestra of Ireland and how your background and experience meets the requirements of the organisation as detailed above, as well as a summary of your experience or a CV. Applications can also be sent in video format if this is preferable, using Dropbox, WeTransfer or Google Drive links sent by email.

Selection process

All applications received will be reviewed and may be shortlisted for online or phone interview. Submissions will be considered by the board and selected directors will be recommended to be considered for membership. Should there be more potential directors than spaces on the board, there will be an election at the next ordinary meeting.


Applications will be treated in strict confidence. All enquiries, applications and all aspects of the proceedings will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone outside those directly involved in the process.

[Update: this article is from January 2023 and the open call is now closed]

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